Mobito Technology “MOBITO” and Guardian Telematics SA “GUARDIAN” participate as members of Pleiades Innovation Cluster, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union and Greek national funds through the Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, under the call 'CLUSTERS OF INNOVATION/COIs' (project code: ΓΓ2CL-0364874)

During this project a horizontal platform is developed, on which vertical smart city solutions are integrated, creating a basis of data interoperability, exploitation and cooperation with significant growth potential, and enabling a specific innovative products and services that leverage this data.
In this context and during this project there were 7 vertical solutions that were integrated as well as a horizontal Digital ΙοΤ Data Market Place ("Μobito-Pleiades Marketplace")- developed by MOBITO - with a role to connect this ecosystem with external data exchange opportunities.
As a first demonstration of the Μobito-Pleiades Marketplace functional role, MOBITO has integrated data generated from one of the verticals Smart City - Environment as developed by Guardian.
The remaining six of the smart city vertical partners of the program and onboarding pipeline candidates for the Μobito-Pleiades Marketplace include:
Next Generation Solar Heater
Phygital Retail Interoperability Standardization
Smart Facilities Management
Green and Smart Museum
Drone Inspections
Smart eHealth
Guardian with their ENVIRONMENTAL-SYSTEM, a System for Monitoring Environmental Data through the collection of such data from their own sensors and external data sources is effectively producing beacons of air quality measurements, with an ultimate goal to guide local decision making towards a cleaner urban environment.
As part of this project, MOBITO has integrated two Data Products made available from GUARDIAN: Guardian Telematics Weather Data and Guardian Telematics Air Quality Data. Following the open data standards of the horizontal platform implementation, Integrated data is made available in FIWARE compatible data schemas in order to offer an interoperable, comprehensive and seamless access to external data consumer applications. Available data delivery mechanisms through the Μobito-Pleiades Marketplace include API- and S3 buckets- data access methods.
Through these Data Listings in the Μobito-Pleiades Marketplace, interested users can evaluate key data specifications, access data samples and communicate directly with Data Provider/Owner in order to clarify questions that arise in their data evaluation and enable an end-to-end data exchange process.
Key steps in this process include:
1) Data Discoverable in Pleione Working group: Μobito-Pleiades Marketplace

2) Listing page in the Μobito-Pleiades Marketplace demonstrating Guardian weather and air quality data

3. Table with data attributes and standard FIWARE data schema description:

4, Sample files available for download for further data evaluation of interested parties:

5. Interested consumer parties can declare interest and request access

This set up empowers the dissemination of the data in use-cases beyond the Pleiades Innovation Cluster, by facilitating discoverability, evaluation and access to private and public enabling data-driven decision-making and new products.